General |
You are bound by all the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement once you have finish the registration of DataRolls. This membership agreement is a provision on rights and obligations for the members of DataRolls. This Membership Agreement is fully applicable to all situations during its service. |
Article 1 Registration Condition of DataRolls |
1. Only citizen who holding a valid identification is egligible for member registration of DataRolls. |
2. Only citizen who holding a valid email address or mobile phone number that can receive our emails or SMS is egligible for member registration of DataRolls. |
3. Members must be 14 years old or above when conducting the registration. |
Article 2 Registration Notes |
1. Member registration should be finished by his/her own, any representative on the registraion is not allowed. |
2. When conducting the registeration process, all the input data and information must be real and must not include any false declaration. |
3. A DataRolls member is not allowed to poccess more than one account and passwords. |
Article 3 DataRolls Login and Password Management |
1. After the completion of member registeration, please login the DataRolls Register name and password you filled during your registeration process. |
2. The DataRolls Reviewer is responsible for all the account registeration and password management. |
3. A DataRolls member is not allowed to transfer, lend, change ,sell or through any other method to deliver the registration account and password to the third party. |
4. In the case that the DataRolls member's account and password get lost or stolen by the third party, DataRolls would not be liable for any responsibility by whatever reason. |
Article 4 The Prohibited Behavior of DataRolls Member |
A DataRolls member must not behave or maybe behaved as described as the following : |
1. Violation of public morality |
2. Violation of relevant local laws and regulations |
3. Infringement of the copyright, portraiture rights, privacy, property of the DataRolls website or others |
4. Behaviors of defamation and slandering stations to DataRolls and others |
5. Behaviors that may lead to damage and lost to DataRolls and others |
6. Behaviors that impede the operation of DataRolls |
7. Fill in information that is false or violating to facts during the registration process. |
8. Conduct any kind of businuss selling behavior without the consent of DataRolls |
9. Repeatition registeration and pretend others to register are not allowed. |
10. Illegal usage of the login account and password are not allowed. |
Article 5 The confidentiality obligation of DataRolls Members |
1.Members who has participated in a survey and understand the confidential information from the survey, are not allowed to present or tends to present any of the relevant information of the survey to the third party no matter whether he/she continue to finish the paid research surveys or not. |
2. The definition of confidentiality obligations in the preceding paragraph is: confidentiality obligations include, but are not limited to, any means/methods to present or disclose to third parties other than the site and the members themselves, or to disclose the content of the questions or other means related to the questionnaire. Information and text data, image data, video data or all other data used on this website, as well as responses to questionnaires, may not be used/transferred to the purpose other than answering the questionnaire. |
Article 6 Sending and receiving emails |
1.The email address should be the same as the email declared at the time of registration if a DataRolls member would like to contact us via emails. |
2.DataRolls will not be held liable on any lost and damage by members caused by different contact email address from that declared at the time of registeration. |
3. Members should reply to DataRolls's email as instructed in the email content. |
4. If a member encounter any lost and damage due to failure to reply DataRolls's email as intructed in the email , DataRolls will not be held liable. |
5.DataRolls will not be held liable on the email conten written by DataRolls members. |
6. If a member suffer any loss or damage due to delays or non-delivery of survey invitation e-mails sent by DataRolls, DataRolls does not take any responsibility. |
7. If the email sent by DataRolls is not delivered within a certain period of time or the member does not participate in any survey for a certain period of time, DataRolls can temporarily stop sending emails or terminate the survey account without the consent of that member. |
8. The content of the e-mail sent by DataRolls should be regarded as confidential. Unless otherwise specified by DataRolls, members shall not forward the emails to the third party or any other person for any reasons. |
Article 7 Remuneration for Answer |
1. All the reward, Points and relavent reward calculation should only according to DataRolls's regulation and rules. |
2. Points are valid only for DataRollss verified members in one account. They are not allowed to transfer, buy or sell points to third parties. Points could only be calucation in one account, any summary of more than one account would not be valid. |
3. The site does not assume any responsibility for the fact that the registration information of the number of researchers is incorrect and cannot be remitted to the account specified by the number of researchers. |
Article 8 Ownership |
1. Copyright and all other rights of all information sent by DataRolls, customers and other businesses cooperation units belong to DataRolls, DataRolls member is not allowed to use or disclose these information without the permission from DataRolls. |
2. The copyright of all information provide by members (say " information") shall be transferred to DataRolls. DataRolls has the right of modification and edition of these information. In addition, DataRolls members may not exercise the copyright of the authors after the right transfer. |
Article 9 Deregisteration |
1. A member is required to finish the deregisteration process as prescribed by DataRolls website. All the relevant data of that member would be deleted permanantly once after his/her deregisteration. |
2. A member would lost all rights, points and other service related to DataRolls after the deregisteration, and shall not have all the right to claim for lost and damages. |
Article 10 Temporary Suspension/Deregistration |
If a member behaves as described as the following, DataRolls has the right to temporarily suspend/deregister his/her account without the consent of the member. |
1. Violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or other regulations established DataRolls. |
2. DataRolls judges that there are illegal acts such as incorrect contradictory answers, repeated registrations, impersonation registrations of a member. |
3. When a member's account was temporarily suspened/deregistered by DataRolls, his/her rights and service provided by DataRolls would also be suspended or teminated. In this case, DataRolls has no obligation to inform the member. It is confirmed that DataRolls has right to not answer a member for the reason of suspension /deregistration. |
4. All the information provided by a member both during the surveys and the registration process would be permanently deleted after his/her deregisteration. |
Article 11 Responsibility |
1. While trying a sample provided DateRoll, members are required to use or try the sample as instructed by DataRolls. If a member suffer any lost and damage due to not complying to the instruction of DataRolls, DataRolls does not take any responsibility and liability. |
2. This legit paying website assumes no responsibility for any interruption, delay, suspension, loss of data, incorrect access to data and any loss or damage to members due to communication line and computing failures. |
3. If a member violate this agreement, causing losses to DataRolls or a third party, all the points owned by the member and gifts to the member will be invalid. DataRolls has the right to ask that member for compensation for the lost and damages. |
Article 12 Changes, Interruption, Suspension and Termination of the Service by DataRolls |
1. DataRolls may conduct any changes, interruption, suspension and termination of the service regardless of whether the DataRolls member agrees or not. |
2. Based on the preceding paragraph, DataRolls will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by changes, temporary interruption, suspension and termination of DataRolls. |
All laws of the Republic of China shall be applied with regard to the contract signing, contract execution, interpretation and arbitration. If a member have disputes over this agreement, they may ask for arbitration to the People's Court of the jurisdiction. If there is any part that might conflicts with the current laws of the People's Republic of China and lost it effectiveness, other part of the completed agreement remains valid. |